Removing The Toxic From Your Career
The key to all relationships is your relationship with you. You set the standard of what is acceptable! If you don’t set boundaries then you are allowing others to treat you any way they like. You are essentially saying “its ok, feel free to walk all over me”.
This may have led to you you feeling unappreciated at work and at home. You find yourself giving so much to others, and then feeling resentful because you have nothing left…
Setting boundaries can be challenging.
How do you know what boundaries to set?
How do you know how to set boundaries?
If you have been allowing people to walk all over you, disrespect you, take advantage of you, how do you all of a sudden just stop?
You start with you. You are the only person you have control over. You cant stop someone from being disrespectful, however you can choose not to be disrespected!
Firstly ask yourself this question; If I were my own best friend, how would I expect to be treated?
You might say, well I would expect my best friend to have my back, to be open and honest with me, to treat me with respect, to be supportive and understanding, the list goes on.
Then its time to get honest with yourself. If these things are your expectations of a best friend, are you meeting these expectations for yourself? If not, that’s where you need to start. If you are lying to yourself, how can you expect others to be honest. If you are critical of yourself, how can you expect others to be kind and understanding? If you are ignoring your own needs, how can you expect others to be considerate? If you are not supportive of yourself, how can you expect others to be supportive?
Start with treating you the way you deserve to be treated. This is your first step to removing the toxic from your life and career. You will begin to build your confidence and it will become easier to stand your ground and speak your truth. And also to kick people out of your life that do not treat you the way you deserve.
You are a choice away from a new beginning and a commitment away from a new life!! Choose YOU!
Want to know more about my experience of being exactly where you are? And how I managed to break free and create a career I love…..
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