Small Change - Massive Impact

As humans we do have a habit of staying firmly inside our comfort zone, don’t we?

We tend to go down that path of what if….. what if I fail, what if I make a fool out of myself, what if I don’t like it, what if I get it wrong?

Well all I have to say is; what if you succeed, what if you inspire others, what if it’s the best thing you ever did, what if it’s even better than you could have ever imagined?

The world is moving and changing at such a fast pace all around us. There is no stopping it. Has every change been positive? probably not! However, each time we change, we learn and we grow. If you think about everything in the universe, let’s choose a tree for example. It has two options, it’s either growing or dying. That’s true for us as well, if I have the choice, I know which one I’m choosing.

We don’t have to make huge changes all in one day. Small changes over time create big results.

I heard a story once which I loved. There was a lady who had decided to lose weight. She had made a commitment to herself to exercise every day. At first she could barely make it past the neighbour’s letterbox, before turning around and returning home. Each day she went just one letterbox further; until eventually she was running kilometers each day.

I love this story because she could never have run even half a kilometre in the beginning, but just making a small change each day allowed her to create massive positive change in her life.

We can all do just one more letterbox.

If you applied this to your career or business, imagine the difference after 12 months, 5 years, 10 years…. That’s massive.

What small change will you make today to move you closer to where you want to be?

Want to know more about my experience of being exactly where you are? And how I managed to break free and create a career I love…..

Download my E-book here as my free gift to you.


It’s OK to fail


Removing The Toxic From Your Career