It’s OK to fail
Wow, that’s scary! Failure is essential!
What! If you want to be successful in life, if you want to be happy, if you want love in your life, then it’s not just ok to fail, its essential. The only way to figure out life is to have a go and learn along the way; and yes, fail along the way.
Fail all the way to success! Why does that feel so wrong?
Our society is so caught up in being perfect! Well, I have got news for you. We are human, the only time we are perfect, is in our imperfection.
I speak with so many people that say “I have the perfect life, so why I am so unhappy?” or “When life is perfect then I will be able to be happy”. I’m telling you right now. You will never achieve happiness if you are trying to get there through perfection.
Do your best, your best is good enough! When you get it wrong, learn from it and celebrate the learning. When you get it right, learn from it and celebrate the learning. It’s in the celebration along the journey that we find true happiness.
You may be struggling in a career you are not satisfied in, just because you thought; ‘one day I will get to do what I want’.
That day is here, it’s now… Stop waiting and start choosing what you really want. It may be scary and yes you may get it wrong at first. But it’s worth it. Imagine for a moment that you can go out into the future 5 years from now and you were successful. You had gone for your dreams and you were living that life. Notice how it feels! What would that future version of you tell you to do?
Move from:
Unfulfilled and unsatisfied in your career, to creating a career you love
From struggling to get out of bed, to being inspired and passionate about what your day may hold
From feeling stuck with no ‘out’ insight to having clarity and direction which pulls you forward
Following our dreams is how we bring happiness, purpose, and fulfillment to our career and our everyday living.
Want to know more about my experience of being exactly where you are? And how I managed to break free and create a career I love…..