When it feels good, say yes!
Our body knows more than we give it credit for. We have a whole lot of information being given to us through our bodies and most of the time we ignore it. How often have you ignored that gut feeling just to end up wishing you had listened to it?
We have an internal guidance system that lets us know what is going to create more or less for us. When we ignore it, life gets harder. So start tuning in and notice. When considering your options; check in with your body. Does thinking about this possibility you are considering feel light and expansive, or hard and confining? Follow your own guidance, instead of what society or the people around you say is right or wrong.
Say yes to the stuff that feels good! Don’t overthink it, trust your intuition. That very first thought you have about something is the only one to listen to. If at first it sounds fun, or interests you then just say yes. Don’t wait for the fear or uncertainty to creep in, you may end up talking yourself out of it. We so often stop ourselves from doing what we want to because we choose to listen to our negative self-talk instead of what our bodies are telling us. Are you letting these thoughts get in your way:
“People might judge me!”
“My family will think I’ve gone crazy!”
“I will look silly!”
“I don’t know what I’m doing!”
“I might fail!”
Ignore it all, if it inspires you if the idea feels fun to you then just do it.
Clearly, I am only referring to legal fun here LOL :)
Make the decision to get to know your body. Begin listening to what it is whispering to you. Start living a happier more contented life.