Is This Job Really For Me?
The million-dollar question! Will you feel like hitting me in the face if I say, “Only you can know the answer to this”. Yet thousands of people stay in unfulfilling careers their whole life.
So how do you know if you should stay or go?
It is time to stop focusing on everyone else and start focusing on you. A great way to do this is to consider what you need in a career to be truly happy and fulfilled.
Grab a piece of paper and just brainstorm it, write down as many things as you can think of. You want at least 20. I know, 20 may not be easy. Keep at it until you have them, it will be worth it.
Ok, now that you have at least 20 things written down that reflect what you need to be completely happy and fulfilled in a job, it is time to prioritise them. Start with what is most important to you.
Once that is done, it is time to determine where you are at right now. Take your number one priority and rank it on a scale of 0 to 10. 0 being non-existent, and 10 being completely fulfilled. Work through this process with at least your top 10 priorities.
How are things looking? I am assuming that if you are contemplating career divorce there are not many 10’s….
For the lowest rated areas have a think! What can you do (What is in your control) to have a positive impact on this priority? Is this something that can be met by someone else.
For example, if you have a high priority for adventure but there is no adventure in your career. Can you go on adventures with friends or other family members outside of work? Or is there an option with your employer to do volunteer work and give back to the community in adventurous ways?
If you are feeling unappreciated, how can you love and appreciate YOU more. Maybe choosing more work-life balance could help with this.
Remember you cannot change anyone else. The only thing you can change is you! You can also choose the environment you decide to spend your time in!
This exercise is a great place to start.
If you are having challenges with co-wokers and can understand each others values, you are able to compare what is important to both of you. You will soon know if your values are aligned or not.
For me, passion, freedom, and respect are high on my priorities so, if I am not able to get these fulfilled then I’m out. But my value for research is much lower. That coupled with the fact that I need freedom means that if I was stuck inside behind a desk, doing research, I would feel like I was in jail.
In saying that I have clients with a high priority for companionship and low for passion. So, for them being in a role with friendly people who want to hang out after work is more important that enjoying the actual job.
Now if you are struggling to answer these questions because you have somehow lost yourself in your career then start here first. Find you again, learn to love you again (or for the first time in your life). What makes your heart sing? What brings a smile to your face? What do you hate doing?
As you go about your day notice these things. Make a list of what you love and put it on the fridge and start saying no to the things you hate and yes to more of the things you love.
There is no success if you aren’t happy!
You are a choice away from a new beginning and a commitment away from a new life!!
It all starts with YOU!
Move from:
Unfulfilled and unsatisfied in your career, to creating a career you love
From struggling to get out of bed, to being inspired and passionate about what your day may hold
From feeling stuck with no ‘out’ insight to having clarity and direction which pulls you forward
Following our dreams is how we bring happiness, purpose, and fulfillment to our career and our everyday living.
Want to know more about my experience of being exactly where you are? And how I managed to break free and create a career I love…..